As a webcam model, I have found that there are many different ways of making loads of money on and off cam. I have also found that it is pretty hard to find your footing a newbie in this line of work. Everyone will tr ly to sell this as an easy job, but its not as easy as it seems on the surface. However, I have come to learn a lot about this business along the way. I can honestly say that I probably know every trick of the trade by now.
Creating The Right Environment
The first tip to making more money is simply to make sure that the space you are using is constantly in a state of peace. Not only do you want this place to be undisturbed when on cam, but also off cam. The vibe and energy that is left in a space actually does matter to the mood that you will be in while you are on cam. So, make sure that you are only using your studio for your cam business or as you bedroom (if necessary).
Toys And Outfits
The second tip I have for you is to make sure that you are properly stocked up on toys and outfits for your shows. When you are on cam you are going to want to make sure that you are constantly keeping your fans entertained with your props and outfits. This means buying sex toys at least once a month and buying outfits at least once a month. This will help to ensure that you are never going to seem boring to your fans.
Make Sure To Network
If you were to ask any model how they became so famous and made so much money online, they would immediately tell you that most of their success was through social networking. Fans don’t just appear out of nowhere. A site does not pop up and automatically have fans waiting for you. You have to put your link out there! This means sharing the link to you show in posts that you make on Twitter, your blog, etc. If you want to make more money, just post your link everywhere. In the beginning I would make sure to do at least one post per day, per site. You can probably cut the posting down to one post every couple days per site in a 6 months or so.